This is the official change log:
- Edited tables names
- Added XSS stealer module
- Now you got control of ip_capture module auto re-direction. Check out config.php.
- New module_lib functions
- Fixed install.php bug
- New logo banner
- Added new phishing page facebook.login.php
- Added search module to search in the database
- More security stuff
- Added php.ini
- Edited install.php file
- Fixed some securityholes in database_connect.php
- Fixed xp_sp3_all.php bug
- New style for exploit module
- Added new public browsers exploits
- More iframes
- New phishing pages hotfile, xboxlive
- Added country table for ip_capture_module and phishing_module
So you see that this version has added support for HotFile and XBOXLive web sites and the new XSS stealer module! Enjoy phishing!